5月14日的早上,我们两个很早就起床了。我们把所有穿过的衣服都放进叶先生的背包, 拿去Eric公寓附近的洗衣店去洗。
Arrhhhh......Everything is in French. I could not comprehend the instructions in the laundry shop.
What is A? What is B? What is C? Lavage 7KG means maximum load is 7KG?
什么是"A"?什么是 "B"? 什么又是"C"? Lavage 7KG的意思是最多洗7KG的衣吧?

I saw the word "1 paquet" therefore I made a wild guess it was " 1 pack". 1 pack of the powders cost 1 Euro. It was damn cheap but after I converted it to RM it was damn expensive.
这"1 paquet",我猜想应该是“1包”的意思。1包洗衣粉卖1欧元。便宜到。。。。。。不过如果兑换成马币的话,就很贵了。

The most interesting part came. This is the centralize board. How to use? We both are engineers. Engineers are good in try and error method without reading manual. So, we just simply pressed whatever buttons that we thought correct.
最精彩的部分是:这里所有的机器都是由1个集中式的控制板来操作的。怎么用?我们两个都是工程师。工程师最厉害是什么?就是不用读manual, 直接试了!靠我们工程师的直觉去推断然后按钮。

After the washing machine started running, we went to a nearby coffeehouse to have our breakfast. We ordered coffee and sandwitch. Dipping the damn hard sandwitch into the coffee and sipping the hot coffee....Yummy......
We went back to the laundry afterward. We took our clothes out from the washing machine and put into dryer. Again, we had problem with the centralized board. Luckily there was a friendly French Aunty taught us in English.
Then, we put all the clothes back to Mr Yap's bag. Quite heavy. Mr Yap, sorry ah......
We took the metro to go to The Louvre museum. When the metro train arrived at The Louvre station, we went out from the train. According to the travel guide, this entrance could avoid the big crowd at the main entrance. Another thing need to take note: The Louvre close on every Tuesday.
我们乘搭Metro地下铁往卢浮宫的方向出发。我们在 “The Louvre"站下车。根据旅游指南,这个站有个进口可以直接进入卢浮宫,可以避开拥挤的卢浮宫大门。注:卢浮宫每个星期二没有开门。
When we entered The Louvre, the first thing that attracted us was the glass pyramid. Yes, that was the glass pyramid mentioned in Dan Brown's famous novel <

Venus de Milo without arms.

Wow, this is the sexy gladiator.

The Louvre is very big. It
1) Near Eastern Antiquities
2)Egytian Antiquities
3) Greek, Etruscan, and Roman Antiquities
4)Islamic Art
6)Decorative Arts
7) Paintings
8) Prints and Drawings
- 黎塞留庭院(Richelieu Wing):远东、近东、伊斯兰文物;雕塑;14世紀至17世紀的法国油画;德国、尼德兰和佛兰德斯油画;其他绘画和形象艺术。
- 苏利庭院(Sully Wing):古埃及文物;近东文物;古希腊、伊特鲁里亚、古罗馬文物及雕塑。
- 德农庭院(Denon Wing):古希腊、伊特鲁里亚、古罗馬雕塑;17世紀至19世紀的法国油画;意大利及西班牙油画。
I was at the center of the Louvre, underneath the glass pyramid located at the main entrance.

Found these statues in the sculptures deparment. They looks weird.

The naked Hercules.

This is Napoleon's apartment.

I took this photo inside The Louvre through a window.

Ahhhhhh!!!!Ma Ma Mi ya ! When I took this photo in the Egyptian Antiquities department, I really scared the mummy would suddenly wake up to scold me.

Glamourous crown! I took this photo before I was acknowledged that tourists actually could not take photos here. Not every corner of The Louvre allows photo snapshop. For example: Digicams were not allowed in The Mona Lisa painting area and France Painting Gallery.

Too much antiques and paintings to be appreciated in The Louvre. We grabbed a copy of The Louvre map and the map indicated all the masterpieces in each departments. With the map, we selectively checked out the masterpieces that we were interested。
这里的文物真的太多了。我们在大堂拿了1份卢浮宫的地图, 地图上已经标明了卢浮宫的著名文物。所以,我们就只挑自己有兴趣看的文物来看。看完后,才在里面闲逛。酱紫就用了几粒钟了。
See, this is the main entrance of The Louvre. There was a big crowd of people queuing up to go into The Louvre。 Just after rained, the whether was cold enough.

We took Metro and dropped by Notre Dame to have a glance. This is a signboard in the Metro station. In France, you must know this word: Sortie. It means "Exit".
我们乘搭地下铁到附近的大圣母院看看。这是地铁站的指示牌。在法国,一定要会这个字: Sortie, 也就是“出口”的意思。

This is the facade of the Notre Dame. Remember the novel <
这是大圣母院的前面。还记得《〈钟楼驼侠〉〉这部小说吗? 那钟楼就是大圣母院了。当初就是因为这部小说,所以大圣母院才避免了被拆除的命运。下着毛毛雨,好像快要下大雨的样子,我们也赶快回Eric的公寓。

When we reached the condo, already about 4PM. After a while, Eric came back from his office. He drove us to go around Paris town again, after that we were heading to the famous Montmartre area. See, this is the landmark of Moulin Rough. In Montmartre area, I saw a lot of adult shops. Porn movies were on screen there. Sri and I felt excited and wanted to go into 1 of the shop but Eric and Mr Yap did not sound interested.
当我们回到公寓时,已经是下午4点多了。休息了1阵子,Eric也放工到家了。他换了件衣服,就载我们到巴黎市区游车河,跟着就到著名的Mont Mart区去。看,这就是红磨坊的地标。在Montmartre区,我们经过很多成人店,也有很多色情电影在上映。我和Sri本来想进去见识1下,可是Eric和叶先生不要去。

This is Sacre Coeur. A very special Roman Catholic basilica. The design of this basilica is absolutely impressive. I ever saw Sacre Coeur's photos when Sri visited Paris for her very first time and I fell in love with the special design of this building. The whether was cold enough to freeze my nose. That was the coldest weather that I ever felt for the past 26 years. We went into the basilica and there were people doing prayer. On top of us was a big dome, we could see a giant Jesus portrait with golden mozaic on it. Eric asked us not to take photo when people were praying. Therefore I did not snapshot the giant mozaic portrait.

After that, we also walk around Montmartre. The whether was too cold that we decided to go back condo earlier. This is 1 of the photo taken in Montmartre.
When we reached the condo, Eric became the chef. Yes, Sri bought some Escargots from supermarket and Eric cooked it for us. Delicious ~~~
回到公寓,Eric摇身一变, 成为咱们的d大厨师, 因为Sri下午从百货市场买了法国蜗牛。这蜗牛的用料应该有大蒜和牛油。味道还不错。

After Escargot dinner, we watched TV together. Aha, the TV program was about a lady went for plastic surgery for her boops. Initially her boyfriend did not agree but after the surgery he felt happy with the result. The lady showed her boop in the TV~Here you can see how open minded they are.
To be continued in Paris France (Part 4), the last post about Paris......
更多巴黎的游记。More about Paris:
法国巴黎(二)。 Paris France ( Part 2)
巴黎铁塔。Eiffel Tower
巴黎香奢丽榭街。Champs Elysee in Paris
对呀!我们这种backpacker, 最方便是自助洗衣店了。
我们没去到Mont Mart区,不用紧,下次去。。。嘻嘻。。。
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