2007年5月15日,是咱们最后1天逗留在巴黎。如往常1样,早起的鸟儿有虫 吃。我早上8点就起床了。梳洗完毕,Eric起床给我们来个goodbye拥抱,因为今天在他放工回家前,我们已经离开巴黎了。 拥抱过后,我们走到附近的地铁站朝Sainte Chapelle出发。
Oh my god! Saint Chapelle was on renovation. Consequently, my plan to snapshot the chapel's facade had to be canceled.
我的天!这Sainte Chapelle正在装修。我本来打算在正门拍她那高耸的顶,看来这念头得被逼打消。
Well, since it was still early, we had our breakfast in a coffeehouse located just beside the chapel. I reminded Mr Yap not to order too much food because westerners breakfast always in X size。 I order a sandwich and a cup of coffee. Mr Yap said that only 1 sandwich should not be enough, therefore he ordered cold chicken breakfast and another cup of coffee.
反正时间还早得很,我们就在教堂旁边的咖啡屋吃早餐。我再3提醒叶先生不要点太多食物,因为那些鬼佬的食量比我们大,所以他们的食物通常是X size的。 我点了1分三文治和1杯咖啡。叶先生认为三文治再大也不会大到哪里去, 所以他点了1份冷鸡肉早餐和1杯咖啡。
When the waiter served our food, we felt shocked. Oh my god! The sandwich was huge! A loaf of bread came as complimentary food .

The ticket to enter this chapel was about 7 Euro per person. The Gothic structure was so fascinating. This is one of the characteristic of Gothic architecture: Pointed Arch.

Rose window, another characteristic of this Gothic building. Every single window represents a story in the bible. The stories on the colorful windows acted as a media to deliver the messages from the bible to the people who could not read.
大大的玫瑰窗和四周的柳叶窗,也是特色之一。每个窗都有1个圣经故事。在远古的时代,大部分的人都是文盲。那些窗就是把圣经 讯息传达给大众的媒介。 因为四周都是窗,所以整个建筑物看起来很明亮。

After the photo shooting session, we went to the Notre Dame, which was located just beside the Saint Chapelle. While waiting for Sri, we went along the Seine River. The weather was cold, however with warm sunlight. There was a street artist singing on the bridge with his guitar.
拍照拍够了,我们就到隔壁的大圣母院等Sri下课。我们当然不是坐在那边斋等。我们是边走边等。在塞纳河畔, 冷冷的天气,幸好有1丝阳光。在桥上,1个街头艺人拿着吉他自弹自唱。

When Sri arrived at Notre Dame, she helped us to shoot this photo beside the river. From this photo, you can see another characteristic of Gothic building: Flying buttress. This is the south view of the Notre Dame, a famous spot for photo shooting.
当Sri来到大圣母院, 她帮我们在河边拍了这张美丽的照片。这张照片, 可以看到歌德式建筑物的另一大特色:飞扶壁。这是大圣母院的南部,很多大圣母院的照片都是从这个角度拍的。

Kilometer Zero of French national highway, right in front of the Notre Dame, and considered official center of the city of Paris. Kilometer Zero is a particular location (often in the nation's capital city), from which distances are traditionally measured. I saw many people standing on this Kilometer Zero and rotated themselves. I had no idea why they did so. Anybody could tell me?
这就是在大圣母院前面的地面上的Kilometer Zero。Kilometer Zero的意思就是1个中心点(通常坐落在首都),以前的距离都是从这个中心点量起。我看到很多人站在这个Kilometer Zero上面自转,我不明白是代表什么。谁知道?

We went into the cathedral. It was dark. We saw this brilliant chandelier.
我们走进教堂内, 里面暗暗地。我们看到了这个闪亮的烛台。

The following destination, of course, was the famous Pantheon, where the place for the great men to rest in peace.

In the Pantheron, I found the tomb of Voltaire, a French philosopher.

This is the tomb of the famous scientist ~ Marie Curie. Still remember what we studied in our secondary school Physics? She was the lady who discovered 2 new elements: radium and polonium. She was honored with Nobel Prizes and and first female professor in University of Paris.
这就是伟大的科学家~ 玛丽居里。还记得中学的物理课吗?这名奇女子发现了2个化学新元素: 钋(Po)和镭(Ra)。她曾经拿过两次诺贝尔奖(1个是物理学奖,另1个是化学奖)。她也是巴黎大学第1个女教授。

This is the Foucault Pendulum named after the French physicist Léon Foucault, was conceived as an experiment to demonstrate the rotation of the Earth. Foucault made his most famous pendulum when he suspended a 28-kg bob with a 67-metre wire from the dome of the Panthéon in Paris. The plane of the pendulum's swing rotated clockwise 11° per hour, making a full circle in 32.7 hours. I felt touched. The great experiment apparatus was right in front of me!
这是Foucault Pendulum。当年, Foucault在万神殿的圆顶挂了个28公斤重, 长67尺的pendulum, 证明了地球会自转。地球的自转,绝对不是王力宏证明的 (好冷。。。)。这个pendulum每个小时会顺始终转11度, 32.7个小时就会转完1圈。看到这个玩意儿,我当时真的很想哭。这么伟大的实验,就在我眼前!

This is a street near the Pantheon.

While we were on our way heading to Jardin du Luxembourg (the ending of the movie The Happening was shot in Jardin Luxembourg) , we saw GLASS (in French, GLASS is ice cream) again. 3 of us bought the glass and enjoy it.
在前往卢森堡公园(电影The Happening的结局就是在这里拍摄的)的路途,我们又看见冰淇淋。结果,我们3个人1面走路1面吃冰淇淋。
There we were. The Fountain Medicis in the Jardin du Luxembourg.
这就是卢森堡公园的 Medicis喷泉, 建于17世纪。

Sri told me that she always had her lunch in the garden because the distance from her university campus to the garden is just a stone throw away. There, I saw a lot of students lying and sleeping. There was a string quartets performance.
Sri说她时常在这个公园吃午餐,因为很靠近她的大学。那边有很多人懒洋洋地躺在地上。我还看见有string quartets在演奏。

Before we left the garden, I took this photo.

We went back to the condo to take our luggage. I still remember, it was a rainy evening. When we walked out the condo, I saw Sri standing at the balcony, waving her hand to us. That moment, I could not differentiate whether the water on my face was the rain drops or my tears.
We took metro to go to the railway station. In the metro train, there was an aunty with her portable speaker. She sang karaoke in the train to earn money. The song that she sang was an italian song <
我们乘搭地铁到火车站。在地铁内,有个安娣带了她的轻便speaker, 唱起karaoke来! 外国的地铁很多这种人用这种方式来讨生活。我还记得她唱的歌是意大利歌:《Besame Mocho》。我们就要离开巴黎了。
When we arrived at the railway station, we saw there was a big crowd. We felt a little bit nervous because after leaving Paris, there would be only two of us. Sri could not be there to help us if something happened in Rome.
当我们到达了火车站时,就看见了1大群人。我们觉得有些紧张,心情也是蛮沉重的。毕竟我们就快要离开巴黎了。没有了Sri, 如果在罗马发生了什么乱子就惨了。
This marked the end of our Paris trip and the start of our Rome trip. What would happen in Rome? To be continued.......
法国巴黎(三)。 Paris France ( Part 3)
法国巴黎(二)。 Paris France ( Part 2)
法国巴黎(一)。 Paris France ( Part 1)
巴黎铁塔。Eiffel Tower
巴黎香奢丽榭街。Champs Elysee in Paris
sock peng,
我也想去The happenning的公园走走勒...只拍了两张,看不过瘾啦!哈哈哈
wah, 巴黎是我梦想去的地方,希望有朝一日能到哪里留下脚印吧!
1定有机会的。准备大约1万马币,省吃省住的话,可以在欧洲大概4个城市玩两个星期。 祝你美梦成真。
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