我们两个人就这样走啊走啊, 来到了这里:克尔特纳街( Kartnerstrasse)。每个城市,总会设个陷阱让游客坠入万劫不复的地狱, 这个陷阱就是:购物街。克尔特纳就是维也纳著名的购物街, 让游客们在这里撒下无数的外汇, 哈哈!这里有精品店、餐厅、纪念品店及露天咖啡座。
This shopping street is exactly the same as Paris's and Rome's shopping streets: They all have very spacious path for shopaholics~
这里的购物街和巴黎以及罗马的购物街一样,都是有宽敞的Kaki Lima。

Guess what, we met Mozart there! Haha! The name of the shop is "Mostly Mozart" . Besides a lot of items tagged with Mozart, there are a lot of souvenirs related to music, for example: music box ( in violin shape), mini electrical violin, music matchbox and so on. The thing that makes us ponder over and over again: Mozart Ball! In the same street, there is another branch of this shop.
我们竟然在这里看到了莫扎特!哈哈! 这间纪念品店的名字叫“Mostly Mozart”。除了卖很多跟莫扎特挂钩的物品, 也有卖跟音乐有关的纪念品, 例如:小提琴形状的音乐盒、迷你电子小提琴, 火柴盒(有音乐的)。最让人回味无穷的,就是:莫扎特的球球 (Mozart Ball) !这间店在同一条街还有另外一家分店。

Mozart Ball, definitely is not the one that you are thinking now. It's chocolates~You see, Mozart is selling his balls to you in front of a shop. Why I saw his face as if he couldn't help but.......? Due to the economy recession, a great musician needs to work part time to sell his balls~
莫扎特球球, 不是你脑袋正在想的那个。而是:巧克力~你看,莫扎特在一间巧克力店门口向你兜售他的球球哦~为什么,我看到的,是他一脸的无奈呢?可能是经济不好,大名鼎鼎的音乐家也得抛个身出来卖自己的球球!

We felt hungry. We decided to walk into McD, because the burger was only Euro1.90. In the city of music, you even can see people playing piano in McD ( of course, it's not a real person and real piano). I was damn sure that "he" is not Mozart, simply because he does not have the "lawyer hairstyle" that Mozart has.

Oh my God! Why Mozart is here and there and everywhere? I saw him selling his balls in another shop. It's really tough to earn money......

This is another branch of Mostly Mozart that I mentioned just now, in the same street.
这就是 Mostly Mozart的另外一家店, 也在同一条街。

1) Strasse means "street". I made this conclusion because I saw every name of the streets end with "strasse". What a smart girl I am huh?
2) Every shop make use of Mozart's portrait. I wonder they pay royalty for that. How could they make use of a great musician's portrait to sell balls?
3) Mozart's hometown is not in Vienna, it's in Salzberg. Vienna is actually Beethoven's "territory". Why I did not see Beethoven selling his balls, but Mozart instead?
4) Mozart and Beethoven are not from the same batch. Mozart is Beethoven's senior. He ever praised Beethoven as a talented musician and he expected Beethoven would shine brightly in the future.
5)Do you know "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star"? Mozart ever composed this French folk song to Twelth Variations. In other words, the song repeats 12 times, each and every times will be more slightly difference in terms of: harmony, melody, rhythm, counterpoint and so on.
3) 莫扎特的老家其实不是在维也纳,而是在萨士堡(Salzberg)。维也纳其实是贝多芬的地盘,可是我就是看不到贝多芬在卖自己的“球球”, 反而是莫扎特“捞”过界来这里揾食。
5)大家知道“小星星”这首歌吗? 莫扎特曾经把这首法国民谣(原曲的曲名为“妈妈请听我说”) 写成“十二段变奏曲”。换句话说,也就是同一首歌被重复12次,每一次都以更丰富的面貌出现:可以是放了和声、稍微改了旋律、节奏变快/慢, 放了对位等等。
To be continued ~ Vienna Austria (Part 3)
More about Vienna
奥地利维也纳(一)。Vienna Austria Part 1
奥地利维也纳(三)之:圣史蒂芬教堂 。 Vienna Austria Part 3: Stephansdom
奥地利维也纳(四)之:德梅尔糕饼店 。 vienna Austria Part 4: Demel Konditorei