这就是圣马克大教堂的西面。这里是圣马克安息的地方。据说在公元828年,有两个威尼斯商人从亚利山大修道院把圣马克的尸体偷出来, 然后用猪油把尸体包起来(这样就可以避开穆斯林守卫的检查)运走。

Campanile, the bell tower. One of the most recognized symbol of the city. Being in a vulnerable position on the edge of the lagoon, Piazza San Marco has been flooded by high tides throughout its history. The exceptional tide peaks that occur periodically is : Acqua Alta (Veneto term).
Campanile(大钟楼),是这个城市其中一个最广为人知的象征。这圣马克广场其实是整个礁湖的边际,也是最脆弱的地方:从以前到现在,这里都是威尼斯礁湖涨潮后水灾的地点。这种周期性的涨潮叫做Acqua Alta。

It's tiring. We went back to Rialdo area. We bought our favourite pork sausages, sat on the floor and had our lunch.

After had our sausages, we still sat there and enjoy the romantic view in front of us: the Grand Canal.

We were heading to the direction of our guesthouse. Normally, the way that we used to go to the Piazza San Marco, always different with the way that we used to go back to the guesthouse. It's because we followed the compass. Well, as I said, the map of Venice was not so complete. There were too many bridges to be incorporated into the map hence some of the bridges were not found in the map. Similar alleys are here and there, and everywhere in the Venice. How can people survive without a compass there???
我们正朝着回旅馆的方向走去。通常,我们去圣马克广场的路,和回旅馆的路,都是不一样的。这是因为我们只跟着指南针走。就如我之前一再提过的:威尼斯的地图是不完善的。这里有太多的桥,根本不能完全被放进地图内。每条胡同都是一样的, 这里的人如果没有了指南针, 是怎样生活的啊?

Wow, it's just like the house that I always see from the western TV program......Country style~

Luxury gondola, parking beside a restaurant.
豪华奢侈的gondola, 就停泊在一家餐厅的旁边。

Arch bridge again.

It's evening. Before we went into teh guesthouse to pack our luggage and went to the train station, We looked back to the path that we went through for our 2 days 1 night in Venice. We took a deep breathe to save the smell of the sea into our memory.
夕阳西下, 在我们走进旅馆收拾行李去火车站之前,我们蓦然回首:看着这条我们在这里2天1夜内所走的路, 深呼吸让海水咸咸的味道深深地烙印在记忆里。

1) Venice is slowly sinking, 1/5 of inch a year.
2)The maximum depth of the lagoon is 15m.
3) On average, one in two families in Venice possess a pleasure boat.
4) The sea of Venice is safe for swimming. Venice closest beach is at the Lido.
1) 威尼斯正慢慢往下沉, 每年大约下沉1/5寸。
4) 威尼斯的海是可以游泳的。最靠近威尼斯的沙滩就在Lido。
~The end~
More about Venice
意大利威尼斯(一)。Venice Italy Part 1
意大利威尼斯(二)。 Venice Italy Part 2