看到这么多的面具,让你想到了哪个城市?哈哈!我们来到了威尼斯,一个很多人都认为很浪漫的水乡。其实,我们在早上就到罗马火车站搭650AM的火车去威尼斯 (Station Santa Lucia)。当我们到达目的地的时候, 已经是1130AM了。映入眼帘的, 就是一个四面都被海水包围的古城。我们背着行李,走路去小旅馆。对,在这里只能用走的,因为这里没有车子。找了很久,终于找到了我们的旅馆。我已经不记得这旅馆的名字了, 只记得墙壁上挂着个没有了弦的小提琴。旅馆真的很小,只有几间房间而已。我们把行李放下,就出去走走。

This is Rialdo Bridge. The design of this most famous Venetian bridge at the narrowest point of the Grand Canal was hotly contested - Finally won by Antonio de Ponte, who sucessfuly beat the leading 16th century architech Michelango, Sansovino and Palladio.
这里利亚托桥。这座著名的威尼斯桥就在大运河最窄的地方上而这座桥的工程,经过了一轮的竞争, 当中包括了16世纪领尽风骚的米开朗基罗、不过最后由Antonio de Ponte获得。

At the bridge, you can find a lot of stalls selling souvenirs: big masks, small masks, magnets with masks, murano glass products (chains, bracelets and so on), puppets and etc.
这是利亚托桥, 整条桥上尽是售卖纪念品的小摊子和店铺。 这里的纪念品有:具有代表性的面具、迷你面具、磁铁面具、特色玻璃首饰 (项链、手链等等),以及木偶。

We were shock to find out that: The map with me, was actually not a complete map. All not the bridges in Venice was included in the map. Venice has a lot of bridges (both famous and unknown) to connect all the buildings. We also found out other maps have the same problem. Fortunately, we brought a compass.
我发现了一件惊人的事:原来我手上的地图, 并不是完整的地图,因为并不是所有的桥都有在地图里面。要知道,威尼斯真的有数不清的桥(有名的和无名的都有)。我们也发现, 其他的地图也是这样。幸好,我们有带指南针。
Basilica San Marco, a Venice fairytale cathedral pure Byzantine in essence, under the hot sun. Here we come ~ Piazza San Marco.

Bell tower at the middle of the piazza. Incomparable view of the city and lagoon can be had by taking the elevator to the top of this bell tower.

We just walked there without any specific purpose. Well, it's really enjoyable and relax. I could never enjoy walking that much.
我们就是这样在威尼斯乱乱走, 真的很写意,完全没有压力。从来不知道走路可以是那么地享受。
To be continued ~ Venice Italy Part 2
待续 ~ 意大利威尼斯(二)