距离西班牙广场不远处就是这波波洛广场了。这是著名的双子教堂, 由奇迹圣母教堂和圣山圣母教堂组成。这双子教堂分据于科索路起点的两旁,左边这个是圣山圣母教堂,右边的是奇迹圣母教堂。17世纪的时候,贝尼尼为了让这广场有些特色,所以就建了这两座几乎一模一样的教堂。仔细一看, 左边的教堂圆顶是椭圆形的,右边则是圆形的。再仔细地慢慢看,还会发现很多不一样的地方。

At the middle of the piazza, there is an obelisk. This is the location where Via del Corso, Via del Babuino and Via di Ripetta meet.
教堂的中间有一根埃及方尖碑, 正好是三条路(科索路、巴布宜诺路和滨海路)的交会处。

We felt lethargic. Hence, we decided to go back to the hotel and to come back here again the next day.
The next day, we came back again. Besides the Twin Churches, there is another church here: Santa Maria del Popolo. "Angel and Demon", the famous novel by Dan Brown, ever mentioned this church.
第二天,我们又再次回来波波洛广场。这广场除了双子教堂,还有另外一座教堂:波波洛的圣母教堂。在Dan Brown的著名小说《Angel and Demon》这本书特别提到这座教堂。
This is Chigi Chapel, Bernini finished the job begun by Raphael.

You can easily find a lot of "skull" everywhere.

Crucifixion of St Peter, by Caravaggio.

Church organ.

The only feeling in the air: creepy.

The creepy feeling was getting stronger......Oh my God! The coffins were just on the floor and we were walking on top of the coffins!
走着走着, 越来越感觉奇怪。我的天! 原来石棺被埋在地板下,我们就走在石棺的上面!

After we went out from the church, again the Twin Churches drew my attention away. In order to accommodate the Twin Churches into the photo, Mr Yap had to squat while I had to really stand right in front of the lens.

从双子教堂的方向看着广场可以看到这根方尖碑。这是由奥古斯都皇帝从埃及带回来的第一根方尖碑, 以庆祝罗马征服埃及。右边就是波波洛教堂了。


To be continued. Rome Italy Part 8 : Musei del Vaticano (The End)
待续 意大利罗马(八)之梵蒂冈博物馆(完结篇)
更多罗马的游记 。More about Rome:
意大利罗马(一)。 Rome Italy Part 1
意大利罗马(二)之梵蒂冈篇 。 Rome Italy Part 2: Vatican
意大利罗马(三)之许愿池篇 。 Rome Italy Part 3: Fontana di Trevi
意大利罗马(四)之完神殿篇 。 Rome Italy Part 4: Pantheon
意大利罗马(五)之拉沃纳广场篇 。Rome Italy Part 5: Piazza Navona
意大利罗马(六)之西班牙广场篇 。Rome Italy Part 6: Piazza Spagna