我们离开万神殿, 走到了这拉沃纳广场。在这个充满了浓厚罗马巴洛克气息的地区,放眼望去皆是巴洛克天才们的作品。这广场上有3座喷泉和1个方尖碑。

When I was trying to find the best angle to shoot this photo, there was a damn Black guy poke my bellybutton with his damn finger. I saw a blonde beside him, holding his hand. I looked around, there were only 2 asians: Mr Yap and me. Therefore, I could do nothing but just to eat the leek!

At the south of the piazza, there was Fontana del Moro.

Do you see a "Statue of Liberty" here? I always see a lot of street artists doing such thing in Europe. It's funny.
有人在扮自由女神。我时常在欧洲的街头看到这种街头艺人, 有趣。

We felt hungry. We tried to search the restaurant around that area recommended by travel guide. Unfortunately, we failed to locate the restaurant.

We went back to the piazza. This is Sant' Agnese in Agone, desinged by Francesco Barromini. Right in front of the building, there was Fontana Quattro Fuimi, designed by Bernini. You could see a sculpture of the Fonata (which represent the Nil River) raise its hand to cover its eyes. According to some people, the sculpture delivered a messege of Bernini to complain Barromini's design (the Sant' Agnese in Agone) has ruined the overall view of Piazza Navona.

Finally we just simply found a resutarant nearby to have our dinner.

To be continued. Rome Italy Part 6 : Piazza Spagna
待续 意大利罗马(六)之西班牙广场
更多罗马的游记 。More about Rome:
意大利罗马(一)。 Rome Italy Part 1
意大利罗马(二)之梵蒂冈篇 。 Rome Italy Part 2: Vatican
意大利罗马(三)之许愿池篇 。 Rome Italy Part 3: Fontana di Trevi
意大利罗马(四)之完神殿篇 。 Rome Italy Part 4: Pantheon
意大利罗马(六)之西班牙广场 。 Rome Italy Part 6 : Piazza Spagna
意大利罗马(七)之波波洛广场 。 Rome Italy Part 7 : Piazza Popolo