The train was slowly leaving Venice, heading to our next destination : Vienna, Austria. Again, we had an overnight train but the only difference was: We were in the first class cabin. It was spacious and comfortable. The next day, I waked up early in the morning and I found that we were already in Austria. Mr Yap told me that the train broke down last night but I was sleeping tight. Oh my god! We only had twice overnight train
(previously we took overnight train from Paris to Rome) in Europe and both broke down! In other word, the probability of the overnight train to be broken down was 100%! We were "lucky" enough!
火车缓缓地行驶出威尼斯,迈向我们的下一个目的地:奥地利维也纳。这次,我们再次坐了overnight train。我们这次是坐first class cabin,非常宽敞和舒服。第二天我很早就起来了,我们已经在奥地利境内了。叶先生说,昨晚火车又抛锚了
(上一次抛锚是从巴黎去罗马的时候),当时我已经睡着了。我的天!我们坐两次overnight train, 两次都抛锚。换句话说,overnight train抛锚的机率是100%!我们也真够“幸运”的。
Well, it's over. The scenery outside were exceptionally stunning, I grabbed my video cam and recorded it.
算了,反正都已经过去了。我看到火车外的景色真的很美,马上拿出video cam录了下来。
Austria, a wonderful land: scenic mountains and rivers, and UNESCO heritages. The land had grown a lot of mighty musician: Wolfgang Mozart, Ludwig van Beethoven, Franz Peter Schubert and Johann Strauss. It's the holy land that every music enthusiasts dream to go.
奥地利,这片人杰地灵的土地:有着壮丽的山河、以及许多文化遗产。这片土壤,孕育了无数的音乐家如:莫扎特、贝多芬、舒伯特 以及约翰史特劳斯。这个地方,是学音乐的人所要去朝圣的地方。
Well, that was our last destination for our Europe trip, the capital of Austria: Vienna. Mr Yap had a conference there and that's how our Europe Trip started.
I still remembered how excited I was, when Mr Yap invited me to go Europe together with him. The preparation for the whole trip (itinerary, Emirates air tickets, Eurorail tickets, leave application, communication with Sri, money exchange, rucksacks hunting, compass/binocular scope hunting) was done within 1 month.
我依稀记得当我知道叶先生打算邀请我跟他一起去欧洲的时候, 我是多么的雀跃。所有的行程以及准备(机票、火车票、请假、和Sri的沟通、兑换欧币、买背包、买指南针和望远镜等等),都在一个月之内办妥 。
Afterward, the waiter in the train served our breakfast. Looking through the windows, a piece of green field was spreading to infinity. I thought I was in a fairyland when I saw the cottages with chimney pots.
When we arrived at the train station, I found reddish at the back of my palms. It could be skin allergic......
Both of us walked to the hotel which was just a stone throw away, with our heavy rucksacks. After checked in, we went out immediately,
我们两个人背着重重的背包走去酒店, 就在不远处。Check in 过后,我们就迫不及待地出去了。
Bikers are being well taken here. Can you see that? In the red light, there is a biker, with 1 of his leg on the floor to support, that means the bikers should stop.

When the green light is on, you can see the bikers with both of his legs on his bike, that means bikers can go now.

Karlskirche, located near the Ringstrasse Surrounds. The most important Baroque building was built in 1713, by the Emperor Karl VI, to honor Karl Borromea, the patrol saint of the fight against the plague. The Baroque masterpiece was designed by Johann Bernhard Fischer von Erlach.
我们来到了环城大道外围的卡尔教堂。这座维也纳最重要的巴洛克式建筑,建于1713年。当时的奥皇卡尔六世为了感谢鼠疫结束酬神而建的。这座建筑的设计师是埃拉什父子(Johann Bernhard Fischer von Erlach)。

I felt the green dome was the most special feature of the church.

There was a University of Technique (Technische Universitat) beside the Karlskirche. A lot of students were reading the chit chatting in a nearby park. The weather was extremely hot.
就在卡尔教堂的旁边,有一间科技大学(Technische Universitat)。一群群的学生在附近的公园看书和闲聊。天气热到爆。

We reached Staatsoper (Opera House). The opera house is well known in the world and top composers, conductors, performers, singers and dancers from all over the world hope to perform here as the most honorable thing in their life. The performances there never repeat because there are about 300 performances annually. Before we came, we actually planned to buy tickets to enjoy a performance there but the seats were almost full. Further more, we were lazy to bring formal clothes therefore we canceled the plan.
走着走着,我们来到了国家歌剧院。这是全世界公认第一流的歌剧院, 全世界最顶尖的作曲家、指挥家、演奏家、歌唱家和舞蹈家,都已在这里表演为毕生的荣耀。这里最特别的是:节目没有一天是重复的。 因为这里每年有将近300场的演出。我们来维也纳之前曾经上网想定购歌剧院的入门票,可是因为几乎满座了,再加上我们懒惰带formal clothes, 所以也打消了这个念头。

1) Karlskirche open 9AM-6PM daily.
2) Admission fee is Euro4 per pax.
3) The ticket price for attending a performance in Staatsoper ranging from Euro2 - Euro178. The opera house has seating for 2880 persons and the tickets on sales a week before the performance. If you do not want to attend a performance but hope to visit the opera house, you can opt to join a guided tour there.For more details, please visit:
http://www.www.wiener-staatsoper.atTo be continued ~ Vienna Austria (Part 2)待续~奥地利维也纳 (二)More about Vienna
奥地利维也纳(二)之:可怜的莫扎特 。 Vienna Austria Part 2: Poor Mozart奥地利维也纳(三)之:圣史蒂芬教堂 。 Vienna Austria Part 3: Stephansdom奥地利维也纳(四)之:德梅尔糕饼店 。 Vienna Austria Part 4: Demel Konditorei