我们从Ottavio St Pietro站搭地铁离开了梵蒂冈。
We reached Fontana di Trevi ( Trevi fountain). This is the most beautiful fountain in Rome, built in 312 years.
我们来到了许愿池 (Fontana di Trevi)。这是罗马最壮观的喷泉, 花了312年才完成。

You can see a lot of coins in the fountain. Tradition holds that if you throw coins backward over your shoulder, you ensure a return visit to Rome. Mr Yap and I made a wish, and if I am not mistaken we threw Euro1 coins. I think, if we had no money in Rome, we could just come to the fountain to collect the coins here.
哈哈,这喷泉内满是铜板, 全都是许愿的人抛下去的。如果想再来罗马,许愿的人必须背对着许愿池,用右手由左肩向池中丢1枚硬币。当时我和叶先生都有许愿。我们好像是用1欧元的硬币。我在想,如果真的落难在罗马,可以考虑去这个许愿池捞铜板,就不怕没钱吃饭和住旅馆了。
The characteristic of this fountain: it just looks like an opera. The background building is actually a Palazzo Poli, with the Neptune standing at the middle.
这喷泉的特色就是:看起来像个歌剧院。背景建筑是海神宫( Palazzo Poli), 中间站立着的是海神Neptune。
Around the fountain, there are a lot of shops.

Around there we found a special shop. At the entrance of the shop, there was riding a bicycles while another puppet was just sitting there. The shop sells a lot of wooden stuff, for examples: wooden clocks, toys and so on.
我们在附近还看到了1间有趣的店。店门口做着1个木偶。另一个木偶正在骑脚踏车。原来,这间店专卖木制的东西, 例如:各种造型的木制壁钟、笔筒、玩具等等。
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To be continued. Rome Italy Part 4 : Pantheon
待续 意大利罗马(四)之万神殿
更多罗马的游记 。More about Rome:
意大利罗马(一)。 Rome Italy Part 1
意大利罗马(二)之梵蒂冈 。 Rome Italy Part 2: Vatican
意大利罗马(四)之万神殿 。 Rome Italy Part 4 : Pantheon
意大利罗马(五)之拉沃纳广场 。 Rome Italy Part 5 : Piazza Navona
意大利罗马(六)之西班牙广场 。 Rome Italy Part 6 : Piazza Spagna
意大利罗马(七)之波波洛广场 。 Rome Italy Part 7 : Piazza Popolo
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