在许愿池的西南方就是万神殿了。 从地图上看来,应该不会太远。

This is the Pantheon, looks older than the Pantheon in Paris. Does it look small? Well, I actually tried my very best to stand in front of the lens and Mr Yap tried to get the best angle in order to accommodate the Pantheon and I into the picture~

Right in front of the Pantheon, there is an obelisk. There are a total of 13 obelisks in Rome, this is the 3rd obelisk I saw. The other 2 obelisks that I saw was located in front of the Santa Maria Maggiore basilica and at the center of the Piazza St Pietro.
万神殿的正面有个方尖碑。罗马总共有13支方尖碑,这是我们目前看到的第3支。 之前看到了两支分别在大圣母玛丽亚教堂前面和梵蒂冈圣彼得广场中央。

The dome of the Pantheon, ever been the biggest dome in the world for about 1700 years. The oculus is the only source of light for the building.
这个圆顶曾经是世界最大的圆顶, 1700年过后才被取代。整个万神殿就是靠这个圆顶上的“眼睛”光线, 没有开灯。

At the center of the Pantheon, there is an altar where you can see the icon of the Maria and the Child.

The Pantheon was originally built as a temple to all the gods of ancient Rome. After that, it turned to be a church and finally it become a monument in which illustrious dead are buried. Among all the great man, Raphael's tomb is the most famous one. This photo was taken from the left of Raphael's tomb.
万神殿内,顾名思义就是1间有很多神的建筑物。在远古的罗马,这万神殿是1间满天神佛的神庙。跟着变成了教堂,后来就变成了葬名人的地方。这里最出名的,就是拉菲尔。这张照片是在拉菲尔坟墓左边拍的。这个是他的雕像, 右边那个是他棺材上面的雕像。

A close up of Raphael's tomb. Who is this guy? Still remember what we studied in our Form 4's World History textbook about Europe's art history? The famous masterpiece is <
拉菲尔的坟墓近照。这拉菲尔到底是谁?是否还记得我们中四Sejarah Dunia读到的欧洲艺术史?那幅著名的《雅典学院》就是他的作品。我在以后的罗马篇幅会再次提到这幅画, 因为这幅画内有乾坤。

My Sony F88 compact digicam does not have wide angle lens, therefore we tried our best to snapshot the facade of the Pantheon from the best angle that we could.

The Pantheon is old. Does it because it has a lack of proper preservation? Free admission to the Pantheon, compared to the Pantheon in Paris which need to pay for admission fee. I think this is the reason?
这万神殿,感觉上真的很老很旧。可能是因为缺乏妥善的管理吧? 这万神殿是免费入门的, 而巴黎那个万神殿则是收费的。可能就是因为这个原因吧?

To be continued.
意大利罗马(一)。 Rome Italy Part 1
意大利罗马(二)之梵蒂冈篇 。 Rome Italy Part 2: Vatican
意大利罗马(三)之许愿池篇 。 Rome Italy Part 3: Fontana di Trevi
意大利罗马(六)之西班牙广场 。 Rome Italy Part 6 : Piazza Spagna
意大利罗马(七)之波波洛广场 。 Rome Italy Part 7 : Piazza Popolo
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