After we left Piazza Popolo, again we came to Vatican, because the Musei del Vaticano was closed yesterday. The Musei del Vaticano is a MUST SEE tourist spot here. The popes have been contributing great efforts in collecting all the artifacts from every corner of the world. The most interesting thing is: I saw a lot of artifacts that I ever read about in my Sejarah Dunia in 4th Form.

Laocoon, as 1 of antiquity's most famous sculptures, this 1st-century AD Trojan prophet and his sons being strangled by serpents as they try to warn against the besieging Greeks' sneaky gift horse.
这尊雕像就是著名的《拉奥孔和他的 儿子们》。爵士有古要讲:希腊神话中特洛伊战争的故事讲到,希腊人攻打特洛伊城十年,始终未获成功,后来建造了一个大木马,并假装撤退,希腊将士却暗藏于 马腹中。特洛伊人以为希腊 人已走,就把木马当作是献给雅典娜的礼物搬入城中。晚上,希腊将士冲出木马,毁灭了特洛伊城,这就是著名的木马计。拉奥孔是当时阿波罗在特洛伊城的一个祭 祀,他曾警告特洛伊人不要将木马引人城中。这触怒了希腊的保护神雅典娜想要毁灭特洛伊城的意志,于是雅典娜派出了两条巨蛇先将正在祭坛祭祀的拉奥孔的两个 儿子缠住,拉奥孔为救儿子也被雅典娜派的蛇所咬死,特洛伊人见拉奥孔死,以为是拉奥孔当初的警告触怒了神灵,于是特洛伊人更加深信不疑地将木马运进城里, 在进城之后特洛伊人还遭到了特洛伊预言家卡珊德拉的警告,但一切都被由希腊人奥德修斯所派去的间谍西农所编的谎话遮掩的天衣无缝,连当时特洛伊国王普利阿 莫斯也深信不疑,接着就是士兵的庆祝,喝的迷醉,完全破除了戒备,夜里在冲天的火光里古老的特洛伊帝国走向了毁灭。

There are 6 major departments in the museum: Museo Pio-Clementino, Museo Gregoriano-Etrusco, Raphael's Rooms, The Vatican Pinacoteca, Gregorian Egytian, and Sistine Chapel.
这博物馆大致上可分为六个主要的主题:庇奥.克里门提诺美术馆(Museo Pio-Clementino), 伊突利亚美术馆(Museo Gregoriano-Etrusco),拉斐陈列室 (Raphael's Rooms), 梵蒂冈画廊(The Vatican Pinacoteca),埃及美术馆 (Gregorian Egytian) 和 西斯廷教堂(Sistine Chapel)。

Still remember this painting? This is the painting that we ever see in our Sejarah Dunia text book. This is the masterpiece of Raphael : " The School of Athens". Then, I found that the painting is actually a mural on the wall of one of the display room in the Raphael's Room!

Who is this? He is Raphel himself ~ He drew himself in "The School of Athens". There are a lof of philosophers in the painting,
please click here to check.
这家伙是谁?他就是拉菲尔德自画像, 他把自己也画进去《雅典学院》这幅画内。这幅画内还有很多的伟大的哲学家被画进去,

Who is this again? It's Mr Yap la......

Actually, the most famous department here is the Sistine Chapel. This is because there is a very pretty and great painting on the ceiling: "Genesis" by Michelangelo. The painting was presented in a very 3-D way. About 300 characters in the old testiment were pictured in the painting. Some smart tourists took out mirrors from their bag and admire the painting from the reflection of the mirrors. We were not allowed to take any photos there. Therefore, I could not share any photos of the wonderful painting. If you come here, remember to use your binocular scope to check: In the painting, Joshua and Adam's fingers connected, as if already touched each other, but in fact it's not.
其实,这里最著名的是西斯廷教 堂。 因为在这教堂的有一幅米开朗基罗伟大的作品:《创世纪》。这幅画非常的3D, 总共300多个旧约内的人物被画在里面。由于这幅画是在高高的天花板上面,所以有做功课的游客都纷纷从背包内掏出了镜子, 从镜子内观赏这幅画。因为在这教堂是不能够拍照的,所以我并没有拍到任何的照片。如果你有机会来到这里,记得要用望远镜看:在这幅画内,耶和华正在将生命 注入亚当,他们的手指看起来像连在一起,其实是还没有碰到的。
This is the exit of the museum. I like the spiral stairs.

It's been a tiring day, time to eat. We ate pasta somewhere nearby.

After an exhausted day, we need to have hot shower. This is the bathroom of the hotel, quite stylish.

We need to have a good sleep, because the next day 6AM we need to leave Rome, and take train to our next destination.
今晚得睡个好觉, 因为明天一早六点多我们就得离开罗马,搭火车去下一个目的地了。
1) Remember to bring mirror and binocular scope.
2) Better study about the artifacts history because you visit the museum, in order to have interference when you see the real piece.
3) Please check the timetable online, before you visit. There are days when the museum close for public.
4)This is the official website:小小建议:
1) 记得带镜子和望远镜。
4) 这是官方网址: The End ~
~ 完~
更多罗马的游记 。More about Rome:
意大利罗马(一)。 Rome Italy Part 1意大利罗马(二)之梵蒂冈篇 。 Rome Italy Part 2: Vatican意大利罗马(三)之许愿池篇 。 Rome Italy Part 3: Fontana di Trevi意大利罗马(四)之完神殿篇 。 Rome Italy Part 4: Pantheon意大利罗马(五)之拉沃纳广场篇 。Rome Italy Part 5: Piazza Navona 意大利罗马(六)之西班牙广场篇 。Rome Italy Part 6: Piazza Spagna
意大利罗马(七)之波波洛广场篇 。Rome Italy Part 7: Piazza Popolo