Monday, August 25, 2008

巴黎铁塔 。 Eiffel Tower

这就是在Eiffel Tower拍的1个短片。在我的法国巴黎(二)有提到。
我把我和叶先生的对白mute掉了, 因为听起来很奇怪,有点白痴,哈哈。

Please click here to watch the video.


Anonymous said...

"巴黎铁塔 。 Eiffel Tower"


Twin Tower

who is winner?

爵士 said...

Twin towers is a commercial building equipped with a lot of facilities such as shopping mall, convention center and all. Eiffel tower is just a tower with few coffee shops only.

Winner? If compare in terms of the view, I can say Eiffel tower is better. In terms of facilities, then I will say Twin tower is better.

Another thing:
We can kiss in front of Eiffel Tower, but we cannot kiss in front of KLCC because we will get saman by those mata.

So, who is the ultimate winner?

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