Early in the morning (about 9 something) yesterday, the car agent came to pick Mr Yap and I up, heading to the Volkswagen showroom in Jln Ampang, to take our yellow New Beetle.
This car is real cool! 1.6 Engine, 6 speed gears (Auto), can switch to manual gear as well. Yes, this new batch of beetles come with new spec with 6 speed gears which will have better control thus reduce fuel consumption. I like the feature of beetle to auto turn down the speaker volumn if the car is slowing down. Yes, I had already known this feature when I tested drive my elder sister's New Beetle few months ago. Hey, the sound system in New Beetle is great!
The car agent told us that this car could reach 190 km/h. I could smell the leather seat (Yes, Brother King, I still remember your words of smelling the leather seat!). Very good safety feature of 6 air bags.
Well, this car is the best for 2 seaters. At the back, still can fit in 2-3 person but the seats at the back is just like the seats of Air Asia, very straight. Therefore, I think, if loaded back pax, it is suitable for short distant travel only. If for long distant travel, the best load will be 2 seaters in fronts.
The car is stable. If drive through the cornering, woo hoo, you will know why Beetle sell with this price.
Yes, this is our baby! It looks like a remote control car (^^)

After that, I drove my New Beetle straight away to One U to watch movie ("Wanted"). Before the movie, we had our lunch at "3JC Restaurnt" (三件庄).
I ordered their famous 3JC noodle (三件庄猪肉粉). A lot of minced pork, yummy!

The 3KJ noodle was accompanied by a bowl of soup with the 三件庄 fish balls.

Mr Yap likes to eat rice in soup. Wow, a lot of minced pork too!

After that, we went back home.

Yes, I noticed that a lot of people on the road were looking at me. No, they were looking at my New Beetle. It's cool! And It's hot!
Today, we went back to my parents' house. Before we reached, my elder sister asked me to drop by her house to snapshot cool photos. Yes, she owned a red New Beetle. My brother-in-law and her thought that if put our beetles together and snapshop the photos, it will be damn hot. My sister's house has a very big compound therefore our beetles could park side by side. My sister said that if want beetles looks sexy in the photo and show the most lovely shape, I should snapshot the photo 45 degree from the front, like this:

Hey, I like it, ok!

After that, we went to my parents' house. At about 5something, we went back to Kajang. Yeah, we dropped by Taman Perdana. We need to check whether any nice place in Putrajaya for Pre-wedding outdoor photo shooting.

I took this photo. Mr Yap seemed to have something to think about......luckily this is not a durian tree.

damn nice car!!!!one of my dream car also..hehe..
1.6CC??isit got 2.0cc rite??
tiptonic gear box..wow!!!
wow!! i had saw ur sister-in-law one at hometown. How much is it? Damn cool man...
Yes, beetle has 2.0cc version, the outlook is the same as 1.6cc, just the engine cc is different.
Yeah, tiptonic hear box, most of the time I use auto one, easier.
The red beetle is my sister's car, not my sister-in-law's car.
Both my sister and I love beetle very much. I remembered I did my multimedia project using beetle as the project theme, when I was in my 3rd year in Uni.
Last year she bought a red beetle and let me test drive. I felt so excited.
Yeah, this car is damn cool.
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